Written 6/20/2017
is how I left Florida in May. Exhausted describes how
I have been this entire year really.
Excited, yet exhausted There
is an expression that my daughters team uses repeatedly when they are in the
thick of practicing for a competition- the work is worth it. And it
is. When you are working towards
something you care deeply about, every ounce of work is worth it. But as I laid my weary, tired achy body to
bed one night aboard the rolling Puk Uk, our marine chariot for the 2017 WWll
Aleutian Island history tour, I was questioning my desires.
My home for three weeks, the 70ft M/V Puk Uk. It is one of the only vessels that travels all the way to Attu. |
I feel strongly guided to move in a certain direction lead by some kind of
extraordinary circumstance that directs me to move one way or another. With all the busyness of this year coupled
with several misleading heart flutters, I have been missing or perhaps numb to
the strong pull of my guide wires, the ones that make it clear what my next
step is. Don’t get me wrong, there are
some incredible things on the horizon for 2018, and in actuality next summer is
already full with exciting events! But something, at least as
of that night, was missing.
suspect this contemplation stems from the utter feeling of devitalization from the last
300 some odd days of planning this summer’s events. I’d say, if there is one place for me to get replenished,
it would be here in the middle of the Bering Sea. I mean, we are totally disconnected,
surrounded by the breathtaking marvel of the sea, the mountains and marine life. The history alone should be enough to clear all ones uncertainties away. The most challenging part of the year is
over. Our trip is half way through, we
have our sea legs, the long days of hiking are behind us, and I am fully caught
up on sleep. It is now time to exhale, slow down and open up to the experience
of what may be next.
Barren Islands, Alaska |
And as
for the long awaited events that brought on such contemplations? Phenomenal. All of them. For now, here is quick slide show that highlights some of the festivities and people involved with the 75th Anniversary weekend.
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